Over 62.000 acre property

In the northern tip of the Chilean Patagonia, 45 miles southeast of Puerto Montt, a major city with Airport (Future International Airport).
Over 70 miles of private interior roads. Six rivers within the property, plus a few spring creeks and minor water courses, fishing in some of them (Browns, rainbows and salmon).

27.000+ acres of Virgin Evergreen Native Forests and 22.000+ of Alerce Forests, second oldest tree in the world, the property has individuals as old as 3.200 years. The rest is a combination of wet forests, agricultural land, wetlands, second growth forests, exploited forests and lakes. There is an inactive volcano right in the property’s heart.

Possible activities

Horseback riding
Nature observation
Photographic safari
Sea kayaking

Possible USES

Real Estate


Puma, Pudú, Zorro Culpeo, Gato Montés, Güiña, Monito del Monte, Carpintero de cabeza roja, Carpintero de cabeza negra, Gallereta, Chucao, Halcones, Lechuzas, Búhos, Halcones, Traros, among others.


Alerce, Coigue, Ulmo, Tepa, Mañío, Ciprés de las Guaitecas, Canelo, Avellano, Notro, Luma, Meli, Tineo, Maiten, and many more, some produce edible fruits, such as Zarzaparrilla, Chilco and Chaura. The property also has a wide variety of ferns, lichens and moss, along with numerous plants present in the undergrowth.